We arrive at the icon, weary! Our frayed, tense moods with each other and nature and even a mountain cloud our judgement. We've already been on the road 4 hours, albeit scenic hours. The hundreds-feet-tall granite rock doesn't impress us much, at first.
The swirling monster storm of last night, while tent camping, has left us sleep deprived. We see the puny sculpture in rock, see the $11.00 parking fee, and parking deck, and all start BOOING!!!!!
What a let-down!!!
We all say, "TURN AROUND...it's not worth it!"
John says he needs a flush toilet!
He holds the purse.
"It's Pathetic!" says Luke, who never says much.
"Please don't tell me we've gone 2.5 hours out of the way for this!" Says Michael, never short of an opinion.
"A dollar a piece! Not worth it!" say Kirsten and Johnny, the accountants
Hopefully, it'll be worth it.

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