Everybody but me still reposes in the tent, worn-out from the sunny, well part-sunny day spent on the shores of Lake Michigan yesterday where they constructed a castle fit for the King of Fort Mill, played disk golf of a variety, and barely escaped hypothermia in the waters of the Great Lake! I'm pink from an ill advised "laying out" session with the teens....Moms should not imitate daughters!
The birds "twa-twa" rejoinder "chee, chee, chee, chee , chee!" over and over again, the same pattern awakened me this morning as it does most, even at home. I counted at least 5 different calls. It seems they usually begin up again after a few seconds break, as the cacphony of a symphony warming up. Only the wind, then "ir-ha" "ir-ha" "ir ha", "wri hoo", on and on the warm up procedes until I realise my own call of Nature, and must get up!
Below I've screen shotted the radar map. We acutally should "high-tail" it out of here, for, as you can see, (we're right below Sheboygan, the green rectangle, the rain IS COMING!! No doubt.
John catches a flight home at 6:20 PM from Chicago. We thought we'd sneak in a few more hours here, but the weather's not cooperating. I guess Chicago, indoors, at some marvelous pizza place will, have to provide shelter from the rain, until our check in time at the Hilton. (I may have said Hyatt before...)
Last night we celebrated our family vacation with authentic Milwaukee Brats. The type sold at the Ball Park! Delicious beer, spicy cheese brats, grilled over charcoal! Now that's heartburn...I mean life!!! Absolutely delicious with a Zantac chaser! John and I toasted with the last 4 oz of Temptation zinfandel which we've been hauling around, at Johnny's feet since we opened it in Lassen!!

We strolled around the defunct quarry, roasted marshmallows
, and tucked ourselves in! All that was missing is John playing guitar! I
I'll write more later...gotta clean up , as you can see...
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