Friday, July 5: Day 23
Spearfish Canyon!! A paradise retreat!
Lesson #352: Networking with fellow travelers can really pay off!
A Yellowstone neighbor suggested to John that we traverse through Spearfish Canyon, a place about which we knew nothing, not even its location. With a mild intention of visiting "it" we set out from Keyhole State Park along the scenic road, that turned into a dirt road, that forced us onto I 90, and NO McDonald's coffee!
In Spearfish, SD John purchased filaments for our lantern and bread for our lunch (a meal that seems to continue between the hours of 10:30- 4:45! I drove off to find coffee at some Rooster Filling Station. It happened to have the most AMAZING in-store roasted coffee!!! I even got my first Mocha EVER!! A wine tasting station, (out here) with a significant cellar to boot!!
We drove off, sipping four 20oz coffees, at $1.69/each, and quickly drove up on the Spearfish Country Club, and its barbed wire fence! Now I knew the "target market" for the coffee bar/wine cellar. (The tasting rack was a merry-g-round of bottles. You inserted two quarters, and voila!! a half oz of your sample!!!
We're passing through Deadwood, SD; Population: A thousand and something! These towns, very cute and somewhat touristy now, provide plenty of B&Bs, and hotels for travelers. One could spend several days enjoying the natural wonders while hiking or simply by driving. I noticed quite a bit of accessibility for less abled people. Winter sports activities abound as well. Cute, homes nestle into the mountain, as well! We're now passing through Deadwood for the THIRD time. Mt Rushmore, NOT marked on any signs, was NOT the way we were driving. Somehow 3 navigators, and two SIris is NOT better than ONE person with common sense. Fortunately, it's a cute town, and we have no time line. Wow! There's even a gym and pool here. Kirsten thinks this is the "Hotel California" of towns! Possibly....
The kids are starving, so is JOhn!! I see "grease" billowing out of a pipe at the "Deadwood Gulch". We can go there....I'm all for organic peanut butter on smooshed bread! They're eating Swiss rolls...
-----Les Miserable sound track booms in the car as we travel through the Black Hills towards Mt Rushmore.-----The kids, even Ben, love it, and know it verbatim!!
Spearfish Canyon, a fading memory, comprise the majority of the pictures on this post, as seen below. The approach I've tried to take during this sojourn through America, is: "The journey is the destination." I believe that philosophy, lived over the canvas of ones life, results in a niches of masterful mosaics! That is why one must not over-examine the work in progress, outside of foundational principles of faith and morals. Embrace experiences, both those positive and seemingly detrimental, IN THE MOMENT, and one finds peace and security. This lives God's will and imbues the peace that surpasses understand. Modern man sets many goals and priorities, possibly inconsistent with reality. Stress ensues....we are not here to simply exist but, rather to embrace the road, like the family of five traveling from Alaska, their long-time home, throughout America receiving their country in it's totality as their home for a time. A loose framework guides them...a scenic overlook: perhaps taken, perhaps not! Freedom! No societal expectations......but for a life well lived!
Ahhh!! The gift of the road! A reservoir appears, like Brigadoon, from the wooded slopes of the Black Hills along Hwy 385 (heading towards Rushmore) "Do you hear the people sing!!!!!!!!!" Trumpets blare!!! Appropriate accompaniment!
The American Flag waves proudly on a rocky outcropping!
Affirmation of the goodness of our yearning to know and love this Land, my land, your land, OUR land, and its people?

Just another way to explore!
Roughlock Falls: a peaceful, wild-rose scented groomed path along the stream ending in nice waterfall. Its cascade drowns out all but close conversation. The words that matter. Trout struggle against the current, sometimes overcome, the waters drag a trout a foot downstream. He regains a still pool, and lies in wait......I think of Tim. He would enjoy this. I see him casting a line alongside the two men casting a few miles back along the scenic highway. There is much to be loved...
I notice a small bird flying in and out of the keyhole shaped nest in the solid rock wall. It swoops down into the river-grass to fluff and clean its brown feathers, and grab a snack (not peanut butter and jelly!)
I liked the saying below:
I thought: when a man and a woman marry a family forms. A miracle of love! The Trinity!
When you study nature, you study God! And Love never fails!
Some characters along the trail.
"To love another person is to see the face of God..."
Rebekah posing for Brian, posing for me!
Notice the reflection in the windshield!!!??
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