I like the picture of Brian reading the cereal box. It's iconic! From the age of hour he's been reading something, anything while he ears. In fact,he could pick up any of the Harry Potter books, which were always scattered around the house, and just start reading at any point, for entertainment. It always amazed us!
Now we're
trying to get to Mt Rushmore. It is NOT on the beaten path. The path I charted ended in a dirt road, so we made a left, the only possible choice and ended up on I 90. It could've been worse, of course. But we'll miss the back country and possible buffalo herds crossing our path.
The rolling hills don't seem good for much except ranching, but it is beautiful!!
you can't tell, but in the picture below, all of the hills appeared to have been sheared off by the same sword! The varied topography transforms a long, potentially boring ride into a sight-seeing adventure!

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