Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Packing: We can/must do magic!

A picture speaks a thousand words...well, too bad that I couldn't post a pic of my exploding dining room!  Aside from the Grand Piano, which is NOT coming, (the current plans) the rest of the house IS being squeezed into two car top carriers.

The 15 passenger van will have all the rows in place and will seat children two by two as we journey west.  On the return trip, with Brian and John in tow, some kids will sit 3 abreast:  squeezed, in other words!

The cooler is a must, and will be placed next to me, and it'll be packed with peanut m and ms and
Coke Zero!  Go figure!!!

Now, the other essentials are: 11 sleeping bags, including a double bag for John and Me. Two queen sized air mattresses (one for me, and the other for the princesses Kirsten and Rebekah.

My crock pot and cans and cans of condensed soup, sloppy joe slop, black beans, brown beans, corn, gr beans,...I'll buy meat along the way.

Let's see, we're not forgetting the tent or clothes for 109 degrees down to 29 degrees and everything in between.  we'll be in the dessert, the ocean, the Great Lakes, and paddling down the Yellowstone River too!

We'll ride rafts and horses, and roll over 104 hours in the van...104 LOOOOOng hours.

The radio must be installed, BY JOHN, in less than 24 hours if the princesses are to go... it'll be a loooong night.

And so, we must do Magic!

Before John turns into a a 50 year old pumpkin tomorrow (June 12)

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