Thursday, July 11, 2013

Last Leg: Songs and Slow Wheels

Every "Southern Pride"  and "Country Strong" song we could think of blasted us into South Carolina this afternoon, around 4 PM! 

Big Green Tractor
Dirt Road Anthem
Flyover States
Southern Voice

My adrenaline began to rush with the verdant blanket draped over The Smokies, My Mountains! Their lushness, enveloped me with love for my Southern Home!  The starkness of western mountains is beautiful.  Their geographical features, fascinating. However, there's something about TREES!  

The Tree of Life
Peach Trees
Swinging Trees
Shade Trees me under the Apple Tree.trees....

As the driver today,  I --wisely-- refrained from taking pictures and blogging!  Therefore, photos of "vistas" of  beautiful Carolina won't appear on this blog.  But, I noted brown rivers cascading wildly over boulders, and rocky outcroppings peaking between trees high above me.  The clouds hung low on the peaks, adding to their smoky-blue appearance.  

Thirty days ago we began our trip by stopping an hour out of Rock Hill at Strawberry Hill, our favorite peach/strawberry stand along I-85 in Gaffney.  (Katie went to Clemson with Bethaney Cooley, daughter of the farmer.  We're loyal because the homemade ice cream is amazing!)  On our westward journey out, we bought half a bushel of peaches and a pie, and squeezed them into our van as gifts to John's sister, Laura, in Dallas.  We were SQUISHED!  But I kept telling the kids, "a gift is only as valuable as the sacrifice and love with which it was given." Hysterically, my brother-in-law greeted US with his own bushel and 3 watermelons!  We bought peaches and a pie again today.  And guess what John bought yesterday at Springs Peach Stand:  PEACHES!! ....but no pie!!  Ha! Ha!

At York, SC, about 20 minutes out, American Pride songs carried us home, and my wheels slowed.  Tears streamed down my face as the Red, White, and Blue streamed through the music.

Made in America:  Toby Keith
America the Beautiful:  Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton
Battle Hymn of the Republic....blaring....with windows down, wind blowing my hair.  I wanted to feel America in the last two miles of my 8200 mile journey.
God Bless America:  the song we sang as we departed 30 days ago, accompanied us into Huntington.  Yes God has blessed this country.  And he blessed us, immeasurably.

Unbeknownst to the kids, I did slow our van down along the final highway:  Hwy SC-161.
Despite the 100 plus hours we drove, and squabbled, we loved each other and our country: together!

                                                I GAVE MY KIDS AMERICA!!!

                     WE DID IT!!!  WE REALLY DID! WITH GOD'S GRACE!!!!

Something great just happened in the lives of the Petersons, therefore, something great happened to my beloved America as well.  For, we are one! 

I Feel like a patriotic duty has been discharged vis-a-vis my kids!  I have tried to help them process all they've received, and will continue to do so.  Their own amazing minds and hearts will do the rest and repackage my and John's gift for other people:  their friends, their future children........

The completion of this journey, which began with a dream years ago, became a goal 6 years ago, and began as a single mile through my neighborhood, deserves tears, patriotic songs, kids belting out 
God Bless America, and a slowed odometer as we traversed the final miles.   

My neighborhood silent, unaware of our going or our coming, welcomed us home none-the-less.  I waved at a lone American Flag stuck in the potting soil surrounding a mailbox.  I circled my cul-de-sac, waving at my mom, who had placed balloons on our mailbox!  We rushed out to kiss her, and helped her bring in the Southwest Chicken she cooked for dinner.

Over the course of the evening we baled out the car, I began to de-stink the cooler, sent mail flying and bills whizzing electronically through the web!  Finally, I tucked Ben in, and John tucked Ben in, and Annaliese tucked Ben in, and........God only knows where he is now!!!

I enjoyed a piece of pie, while John and Brian sorted through the 5 million pictures of Redwoods taken with his 10 billion $$ camera....they are beautiful though!

Now,  I'm about to close down this blog.  I'll add a few reflections as I think of them over the ensuing days, and you'll see the aftermath--clean up process--but, this beautiful sojourn, this blessed tour into the heart of America has ended, for now.........

Benny laid down this morning after we had packed up.  He's been a trooper!  He asked my mom tonight, "Where are you sleeping tonight?!"  (the floor, a tent, a hotel, the car...)

Last leg....still smiling!!

Setteled in !!  Back to normal!!  I did dishes tonight!
That's all folks!!

Lights out!!

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