Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Where's Brian?

That's the question "du jour".  

Answer:  He went to procure the best bagels Chicago has to offer.
Grace couldn't wait for bagels!  She, Ben, and Anna ate their Sugar Buzz cereal while they wait...it also was their dinner last night!

I hope he has an extra hand for coffee!  The truth is , I don't sleep well away from home.  So, the coffee has been helpful!  Essential, rather.

We're heading out to the Science Museum by  10AM.  It was supposed to have rained all day today, which is why I made the reservation for this morning. But the forecast has changed, to rain only this afternoon, when we're to go to the shopping district.  I guess we'll have to bring our umbrellas.

This meditation on prayer by St Catherine of Sienna was my meditation for today.  Prayer is the most efficacious   way to self knowledge and knowledge of God.  One way the devil keeps you from accessing the best weapon against him, is to think it MUST be done in a particular manner:  posture, location, duration, manner....

Prayer, in truth, can occur wherever and whenever.  Driving for hours in cramped quarters with kids nudging each other, or asking for chargers, or navigating for the driver, or dealing with a two year old who wont' sit in his ca seat, or managing in a camp site without a flashlight because they're lost, or unlocking the car with a lost key, or listening to bickering and punching over "he touched me", or symphonic moaning over our camping circumstances, or watching others self actualize by reading or pursing some other activity while YOU WORK,  on and on......This trip, in essence, has gifted many opportunities for prayer. In particular, I've felt angry with my fellow travelers on and off.  But 1Corinthinans 13 has really helped: love is patient and kind, it is slow to anger, quick to forgive, it bear with one and others faults, it bears all things.  Honest reflection before God, is prayer.  And SHOCK!  you can even see your part in the strife and melee that can be family life!   Family life is hard, we're "stuck with each other" so we might as well figure it out! That is where prayer comes in as the most efficacious weapon against the devil who wants to destroy relationships, in particular the family!

We've prayed on this trip as a family, but not nearly enough.  That's something that I've learned!  Sometimes the chaos has seemed soooo extreme that prayer would be an affront! ((We should have prayed THEN, as our life rope!))  Also, I have not done my daily readings as a ALWAYS do, because of the hustle and bustle, and the lack of service for my Magnificat App....excuses.  Mainly my prayer routine has been disturbed.  So, while I've prayed, it's been for rescue in disaster!  

Well, these reflections are the result of the Holy Spirit speaking to me...He needs to speak to me NOW, because, after an hour, we called Brian and he informed us that he could NOT get bagels... AT ALL.  Now we're stuck, with no breakfast!!!  No coffee.  Nothing!  I'm pretty mad now.  I have an hour to go before leaving for the museum,no food and limited time....  forgiveness, understanding, patience....hard things about now in a tiny room with a bunch of little kids, and big kids.....

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